Source code for tango.common.logging

Tango makes heavy use of the :mod:`logging` module from the standard library to convey information to users.
When you're writing your own :class:`~tango.step.Step` implementations we encourage you to also use standard
Python logging as opposed to :func:`print` or other functions that write directly to ``stdout`` or ``stderr``.
This is easy enough since each :class:`~tango.step.Step` class already comes with its own logger:
:attr:`Step.logger <tango.step.Step.logger>`.

When using the `Tango CLI <./commands.html>`_ you can set the log level in several different ways:

1. Through a Tango `global settings <./commands.html#global-settings>`_ file.
2. With the environment variable ``TANGO_LOG_LEVEL``.
3. Or with the ``--log-level`` command-line option.

In some cases (like when running on `Beaker <>`_) you may also want
to enable `"file friendly logging" <#tango.common.logging.FILE_FRIENDLY_LOGGING>`_.

Configuring logging in your own CLI

If you're writing your own CLI that uses tango, you can utilize the :func:`initialize_logging()`
function to easily configure logging properly.

For example,

.. testcode::

    from tango.common.logging import initialize_logging, teardown_logging


    logger = logging.getLogger()"Running script!")


.. testoutput::
    :options: +ELLIPSIS

    [...] INFO     Running script! ...

If you want to have logs written to a file, you can use the :func:`file_handler` context manager.

Logging from worker processes or threads

If you have steps or other functions that spawn workers, and you want to enable logging within
those workers, you can call the :func:`initialize_worker_logging()` function to configure
logging within each worker. This assumes that you've called :func:`initialize_logging()` from the
main process (the tango CLI does this for you).

For example,

.. testcode::

    import logging
    import multiprocessing as mp

    from tango import Step
    from tango.common.logging import initialize_worker_logging

    class MultiprocessingStep(Step):
        def run(self, num_proc: int = 2) -> bool:  # type: ignore
            workers = []
            for i in range(num_proc):
                worker = mp.Process(target=_worker_function, args=(i,))
            for worker in workers:
            return True

    def _worker_function(worker_id: int):
        logger = logging.getLogger(MultiprocessingStep.__name__)"Hello from worker %d!", worker_id)


import logging
import logging.handlers
import os
import pickle
import socketserver
import struct
import sys
import threading
from contextlib import contextmanager
from datetime import datetime
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Callable, ClassVar, ContextManager, Generator, List, Optional, Union

import rich
from rich.console import Console, ConsoleRenderable, Group
from rich.highlighter import NullHighlighter
from rich.padding import Padding
from rich.syntax import Syntax
from rich.table import Table
from rich.text import Text

from .aliases import EnvVarNames, PathOrStr
from .exceptions import CancellationError, CliRunError, SigTermReceived
from .util import _parse_bool, _parse_optional_int

FILE_FRIENDLY_LOGGING: bool = _parse_bool(
    os.environ.get(EnvVarNames.FILE_FRIENDLY_LOGGING.value, False)
If this flag is set to ``True``, we remove special styling characters from log messages,
add newlines to :class:`~tango.common.tqdm.Tqdm` output even on an interactive terminal, and we slow
down :class:`~tango.common.tqdm.Tqdm`'s output to only once every 10 seconds.

.. attention::
    Unfortunately this won't affect ``tqdm`` output from other libraries that don't use
    Tango's :class:`~tango.common.tqdm.Tqdm` wrapper.

By default, it is set to ``False``. It can be changed by setting the corresponding environment
variable (``FILE_FRIENDLY_LOGGING``) or field in a :class:`~tango.__main__.TangoGlobalSettings`
file (``file_friendly_logging``) to "true" or "false",
or from the command line with the ``--file-friendly-logging`` flag.
For example,

.. code-block::

    $ tango --file-friendly-logging run ...


TANGO_LOG_LEVEL: Optional[str] = os.environ.get(EnvVarNames.LOG_LEVEL.value, None)
The log level to use globally. The value can be set from the corresponding environment variable
(``TANGO_LOG_LEVEL``) or field in a :class:`~tango.__main__.TangoGlobalSettings` file (``log_level``),
or from the command line with the ``--log-level`` option.
Possible values are "debug", "info", "warning", or "error" (not case sensitive).
For example,

.. code-block::

    $ tango --log-level info run ...

.. note::
    This does not affect the :data:`~tango.common.logging.cli_logger`
    or logs from :class:`~tango.common.Tqdm` progress bars.


TANGO_CONSOLE_WIDTH: Optional[int] = _parse_optional_int(
    os.environ.get(EnvVarNames.CONSOLE_WIDTH.value, None)

# Click logger disabled by default in case nobody calls initialize_logging().
TANGO_CLI_LOGGER_ENABLED: bool = _parse_bool(
    os.environ.get(EnvVarNames.CLI_LOGGER_ENABLED.value, False)

# Keep track of exceptions logged so we don't log duplicates from our custom excepthook.
_EXCEPTIONS_LOGGED: List[BaseException] = []

class LevelFilter(logging.Filter):
    Filters out everything that is above `max_level` or higher. This is meant to be used
    with a stdout handler when a stderr handler is also configured. That way WARNING or ERROR
    messages aren't duplicated.

    def __init__(self, max_level: int, min_level: Optional[int] = None, name=""):
        self.max_level = max_level
        self.min_level = min_level

    def filter(self, record):
        if self.min_level is not None:
            return self.min_level <= record.levelno <= self.max_level
            return record.levelno <= self.max_level

class CliFilter(logging.Filter):
    def __init__(self, filter_out: bool):
        self.filter_out = filter_out

    def filter(self, record):
        if self.filter_out:
            return != "tango.__main__"
            return == "tango.__main__"

class WorkerLogFilter(logging.Filter):
    def __init__(self, rank=-1):
        self._rank = rank

    def filter(self, record):
        if self._rank != -1:
            record.msg = f"[rank {self._rank}] {record.msg}"
        return True

class PrefixLogFilter(logging.Filter):
    def __init__(self, prefix):
        self._prefix = prefix

    def filter(self, record):
        if not isinstance(record.msg, str):
            return True
        if == "tango.__main__":
            from rich.markup import escape

            record.msg = escape(f"[{self._prefix}] ") + record.msg
            record.msg = f"[{self._prefix}] {record.msg}"
        return True

class LogRecordStreamHandler(socketserver.StreamRequestHandler):
    """Handler for a streaming logging request.

    This basically logs the record using whatever logging policy is
    configured locally.

    Taken from
    `the logging cookbook <>`_.

    def handle(self):
        Handle multiple requests - each expected to be a 4-byte length,
        followed by the LogRecord in pickle format. Logs the record
        according to whatever policy is configured locally.
        while True:
            chunk = self.connection.recv(4)
            if len(chunk) < 4:
            slen = struct.unpack(">L", chunk)[0]
            chunk = self.connection.recv(slen)
            while len(chunk) < slen:
                chunk = chunk + self.connection.recv(slen - len(chunk))
            obj = self.unPickle(chunk)
            record = logging.makeLogRecord(obj)

    def unPickle(self, data):
        return pickle.loads(data)

    def handleLogRecord(self, record):
        name =
        logger = logging.getLogger(name)
        # N.B. EVERY record gets logged. This is because Logger.handle
        # is normally called AFTER logger-level filtering. If you want
        # to do filtering, do it at the client end to save wasting
        # cycles and network bandwidth!

class LogRecordSocketReceiver(socketserver.ThreadingTCPServer):
    Simple TCP socket-based logging receiver.

    Taken from
    `the logging cookbook <>`_.

    allow_reuse_address = True

    def __init__(self, host: str, port: int = 0):
        super().__init__((host, port), LogRecordStreamHandler)
        self.abort = False
        self.timeout = 0.2

    def serve_until_stopped(self):
        import select

        while not self.abort:
            rd, _, _ =[self.socket.fileno()], [], [], self.timeout)
            if rd:

_LOGGING_PREFIX: str = os.environ.get(EnvVarNames.LOGGING_PREFIX.value, "")
_LOGGING_HOST: str = os.environ.get(EnvVarNames.LOGGING_HOST.value, "localhost")
_LOGGING_PORT: Optional[int] = _parse_optional_int(
    os.environ.get(EnvVarNames.LOGGING_PORT.value, None)
_LOGGING_SERVER: Optional[LogRecordSocketReceiver] = None
_LOGGING_SERVER_THREAD: Optional[threading.Thread] = None

class RichHandler(logging.Handler):
    Adapted from

    KEYWORDS: ClassVar[Optional[List[str]]] = [

    def __init__(
        level: Union[int, str] = logging.NOTSET,
        console: Optional[Console] = None,
        markup: bool = False,
        log_time_format: Union[str, Callable[[datetime], str]] = "[%x %X]",
        keywords: Optional[List[str]] = None,
        show_time: bool = True,
        show_level: bool = True,
        show_path: bool = True,
    ) -> None:
        self.console = console or rich.get_console()
        self.highlighter = NullHighlighter()
        self.time_format = log_time_format
        self.markup = markup
        self.keywords = keywords or self.KEYWORDS
        self.show_time = show_time
        self.show_level = show_level
        self.show_path = show_path

    def emit(self, record: logging.LogRecord) -> None:
        if isinstance(record.msg, (Syntax, Table)):
            self.console.print(Padding(record.msg, (1, 0, 1, 1)))
        elif hasattr(record.msg, "__rich__") or hasattr(record.msg, "__rich_console__"):
            message = self.format(record)
            message_renderable = self.render_message(record, message)
            log_renderable = self.render(record=record, message_renderable=message_renderable)
            except Exception:

    def render_message(self, record: logging.LogRecord, message: str) -> ConsoleRenderable:
        use_markup = getattr(record, "markup", self.markup)
        message_text = Text.from_markup(message) if use_markup else Text(message)
        if self.show_path and record.exc_info is None:
            message_text.end = " "

        highlighter = getattr(record, "highlighter", self.highlighter)
        if highlighter:
            message_text = highlighter(message_text)

        if self.keywords is None:
            self.keywords = self.KEYWORDS

        if self.keywords:
            message_text.highlight_words(self.keywords, "logging.keyword")

        return message_text

    def get_time_text(self, record: logging.LogRecord) -> Text:
        log_time = datetime.fromtimestamp(record.created)
        time_str: str
        if callable(self.time_format):
            time_str = self.time_format(log_time)
            time_str = log_time.strftime(self.time_format)
        return Text(time_str, style="log.time", end=" ")

    def get_level_text(self, record: logging.LogRecord) -> Text:
        level_name = record.levelname
        level_text = Text.styled(level_name.ljust(8), f"logging.level.{level_name.lower()}") = "log.level"
        level_text.end = " "
        return level_text

    def get_path_text(self, record: logging.LogRecord, length_so_far: int) -> Text:
        path = Path(record.pathname)
        for package_root in sys.path:
                path = path.relative_to(Path(package_root))
            except ValueError:
        text = f"{path}:{record.lineno}"
        length_after_wrap = length_so_far % self.console.width
        return Text(
            text.rjust(self.console.width - length_after_wrap - 3),

    def render(
        record: logging.LogRecord,
        message_renderable: ConsoleRenderable,
    ) -> ConsoleRenderable:
        components: List[ConsoleRenderable] = []
        if self.show_time:
        if self.show_level:
        if self.show_path and record.exc_info is None:
                length_so_far = sum(len(x) for x in components)  # type: ignore
            except TypeError:
                components.append(self.get_path_text(record, length_so_far))

        return Group(*components)

def get_handler(
    level: int,
    stderr: bool = False,
    enable_markup: bool = False,
    show_time: bool = True,
    show_level: bool = True,
    show_path: bool = True,
) -> logging.Handler:
    console = Console(
        color_system="auto" if not FILE_FRIENDLY_LOGGING else None,
    if TANGO_CONSOLE_WIDTH is None and not console.is_terminal:
        console.width = 160
    handler = RichHandler(
    return handler

cli_logger = logging.getLogger("tango.__main__")
A logger that emits messages directly to stdout/stderr using
`rich <>`_'s
:class:`~rich.console.Console` class.

This provides a convenient way for command-line apps to log pretty, styled messages
uses the `markup style <>`_ provided by `rich`.

cli_logger.propagate = False
cli_logger.disabled = TANGO_CLI_LOGGER_ENABLED

def excepthook(exctype, value, traceback):
    Used to patch `sys.excepthook` in order to log exceptions.
    log_exc_info(exctype, value, traceback)

def log_exception(exc: Optional[BaseException] = None, logger: Optional[logging.Logger] = None):
    if exc is None:
        et, ev, tb = sys.exc_info()
        log_exc_info(et, ev, tb, logger=logger)
        log_exc_info(exc.__class__, exc, exc.__traceback__, logger=logger)

def log_exc_info(exctype, value, traceback, logger: Optional[logging.Logger] = None):
    if value not in _EXCEPTIONS_LOGGED:
        logger = logger or logging.getLogger()
        if isinstance(value, CliRunError):
            msg = str(value)
            if msg:
        elif isinstance(value, (KeyboardInterrupt, CancellationError)):
            logger.error("%s: %s", exctype.__name__, value)
                "Uncaught exception",
                exc_info=(exctype, value, traceback),
                extra={"highlighter": rich.highlighter.ReprHighlighter()},

[docs]def initialize_logging( *, log_level: Optional[str] = None, enable_cli_logs: Optional[bool] = None, file_friendly_logging: Optional[bool] = None, ): """ Initialize logging, which includes setting the global log level, format, and configuring handlers. .. tip:: This should be called as early on in your script as possible. .. tip:: You should also call :func:`teardown_logging()` as the end of your script. .. tip:: For worker threads/processes, use :func:`initialize_worker_logging()` instead. :param log_level: Can be one of "debug", "info", "warning", "error". Defaults to the value of :data:`TANGO_LOG_LEVEL`, if set, or "error". :param enable_cli_logs: Set to ``True`` to enable messages from the :data:`cli_logger`. :param file_friendly_logging: Enable or disable file friendly logging. Defaults to the value of :data:`FILE_FRIENDLY_LOGGING`. """ import multiprocessing as mp is_main_process: bool if hasattr(mp, "parent_process"): # python 3.8 or greater is_main_process = mp.parent_process() is None # type: ignore else: is_main_process = mp.current_process().name == "MainProcess" _initialize_logging( log_level=log_level, enable_cli_logs=enable_cli_logs, file_friendly_logging=file_friendly_logging, main_process=is_main_process, )
[docs]def initialize_worker_logging(worker_rank: Optional[int] = None): """ Initialize logging in a worker thread/process. :param worker_rank: The rank/ID of the worker. """ if worker_rank is not None: if worker_rank != -1: prefix = f"rank {worker_rank}" else: prefix = None else: prefix = None return initialize_prefix_logging(prefix=prefix, main_process=False)
[docs]def initialize_prefix_logging( *, log_level: Optional[str] = None, prefix: Optional[str] = None, main_process: bool = False ): """ Initialize logging with a prefix. :param log_level: Can be one of "debug", "info", "warning", "error". Defaults to the value of :data:`TANGO_LOG_LEVEL`, if set, or "error". :param prefix: The string prefix to add to the log message. :param main_process: Whether it is for the main/worker process. """ return _initialize_logging(log_level=log_level, prefix=prefix, main_process=main_process)
def _initialize_logging( *, log_level: Optional[str] = None, enable_cli_logs: Optional[bool] = None, file_friendly_logging: Optional[bool] = None, prefix: Optional[str] = None, main_process: bool = True, ): global FILE_FRIENDLY_LOGGING, TANGO_LOG_LEVEL, TANGO_CLI_LOGGER_ENABLED global _LOGGING_HOST, _LOGGING_PORT, _LOGGING_SERVER, _LOGGING_SERVER_THREAD, _LOGGING_PREFIX if log_level is None: log_level = TANGO_LOG_LEVEL if log_level is None: log_level = "warning" if file_friendly_logging is None: file_friendly_logging = FILE_FRIENDLY_LOGGING if enable_cli_logs is None: enable_cli_logs = TANGO_CLI_LOGGER_ENABLED if prefix: prefix = _LOGGING_PREFIX + " " + prefix if _LOGGING_PREFIX else prefix else: prefix = _LOGGING_PREFIX level = logging._nameToLevel[log_level.upper()] # Update global flags and corresponding environment variables, if necessary, # so that child processes can read the environment variables to determine the right # settings. TANGO_LOG_LEVEL = log_level os.environ[EnvVarNames.LOG_LEVEL.value] = log_level if file_friendly_logging is not None: FILE_FRIENDLY_LOGGING = file_friendly_logging os.environ[EnvVarNames.FILE_FRIENDLY_LOGGING.value] = str(file_friendly_logging).lower() if enable_cli_logs is not None: TANGO_CLI_LOGGER_ENABLED = enable_cli_logs os.environ[EnvVarNames.CLI_LOGGER_ENABLED.value] = str(enable_cli_logs).lower() from .tqdm import logger as tqdm_logger # Handle special cases for specific loggers: # These loggers emit too many messages, so we tell them to be quiet unless they have something # important to say. for loud_logger in {"filelock", "sqlitedict"}: logging.getLogger(loud_logger).setLevel(max(level, logging.WARNING)) # We always want to see all CLI messages if we're running from the command line, and none otherwise. cli_logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) cli_logger.disabled = not enable_cli_logs # We also want to enable the tqdm logger so that the progress bar lines end up in the log file. tqdm_logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) root_logger = logging.getLogger() root_logger.setLevel(level) root_logger.handlers.clear() if main_process: # Create stdout and stderr handlers so that we can route DEBUG and INFO # messages to stdout, and WARNING and ERROR messages to stderr. stdout_handler = get_handler(level) stdout_handler.addFilter(LevelFilter(logging.INFO)) stderr_handler = get_handler(max(level, logging.WARNING), stderr=True) stderr_handler.addFilter(LevelFilter(logging.CRITICAL, min_level=logging.WARNING)) root_logger.addHandler(stdout_handler) root_logger.addHandler(stderr_handler) # Configure cli_logger so that if log level <= INFO, it will behave # like a regular logger, otherwise it prints directly to stdout. cli_logger.handlers.clear() if enable_cli_logs: for handler_level in (logging.DEBUG, logging.INFO, logging.WARNING, logging.ERROR): cli_handler = get_handler( handler_level, stderr=handler_level >= logging.WARNING, enable_markup=True, show_time=level <= handler_level, show_level=(level <= handler_level) or handler_level >= logging.WARNING, show_path=level <= handler_level, ) cli_handler.addFilter(LevelFilter(handler_level)) cli_logger.addHandler(cli_handler) # Add prefix. if prefix: for logger in (root_logger, cli_logger, tqdm_logger): for handler in logger.handlers: handler.addFilter(PrefixLogFilter(prefix)) # Main process: set formatter and handlers, initialize logging socket and server. # Set up logging socket to emit log records from worker processes/threads. # Inspired by: # _LOGGING_SERVER = LogRecordSocketReceiver(_LOGGING_HOST, 0) _LOGGING_PORT = _LOGGING_SERVER.server_address[1] os.environ[EnvVarNames.LOGGING_PORT.value] = str(_LOGGING_PORT) _LOGGING_SERVER_THREAD = threading.Thread( target=_LOGGING_SERVER.serve_until_stopped, daemon=True ) _LOGGING_SERVER_THREAD.start() else: # Child process: set handler and level, no need to set formatting since only raw log records # will be sent to the logging socket. if _LOGGING_PORT is None: raise ValueError( "missing logging socket configuration, " "did you forget to call 'initialize_logging()' from the main process?" ) socket_handler = logging.handlers.SocketHandler(_LOGGING_HOST, _LOGGING_PORT) if prefix: socket_handler.addFilter(PrefixLogFilter(prefix)) for logger in (root_logger, cli_logger, tqdm_logger): logger.handlers.clear() logger.addHandler(socket_handler) # Write uncaught exceptions to the logs. sys.excepthook = excepthook # Ensure warnings issued by the 'warnings' module will be redirected to the logging system. logging.captureWarnings(True)
[docs]def teardown_logging(): """ Cleanup any logging fixtures created from :func:`initialize_logging()`. Should be called at the end of your script. """ global _LOGGING_HOST, _LOGGING_PORT, _LOGGING_SERVER, _LOGGING_SERVER_THREAD if _LOGGING_SERVER is not None: _LOGGING_SERVER.abort = True if _LOGGING_SERVER_THREAD is not None: _LOGGING_SERVER_THREAD.join() _LOGGING_SERVER_THREAD = None if _LOGGING_SERVER is not None: _LOGGING_SERVER = None sys.excepthook = sys.__excepthook__ # type: ignore[assignment]
@contextmanager def insert_handlers(*handlers: logging.Handler) -> Generator[None, None, None]: """ A context manager that can be used to route logs to a specific handler temporarily. """ global _EXCEPTIONS_LOGGED root_logger = logging.getLogger() from .tqdm import logger as tqdm_logger for logger in (root_logger, cli_logger, tqdm_logger): for handler in handlers: logger.addHandler(handler) try: yield None except BaseException as e: if not isinstance( e, (CliRunError, KeyboardInterrupt, SigTermReceived) ): # don't need tracebacks for these log_exception(e) _EXCEPTIONS_LOGGED.append(e) raise finally: for logger in (root_logger, cli_logger, tqdm_logger): for handler in handlers: logger.removeHandler(handler)
[docs]def file_handler(filepath: PathOrStr) -> ContextManager[None]: """ A context manager that can be used to route logs to a file by adding a :class:`logging.FileHandler` to the root logger's handlers. For example, .. code-block:: from tango.common.logging import initialize_logging, file_handler, teardown_logging initialize_logging(log_level="info") logger = logging.getLogger()"Hi!") with file_handler("log.out"):"This message should also go into 'log.out'") teardown_logging() """ log_file = open(filepath, "w") handlers: List[logging.Handler] = [] console = Console( color_system=None, file=log_file, force_terminal=False, width=TANGO_CONSOLE_WIDTH or 160, ) for is_cli_handler in (True, False): handler = RichHandler( console=console, markup=is_cli_handler, ) handler.addFilter(CliFilter(filter_out=not is_cli_handler)) handlers.append(handler) return insert_handlers(*handlers)