Source code for

import logging
from typing import Generic, TypeVar

import jax.random
import numpy as np
from datasets import Dataset
from import shard

from tango.common.registrable import Registrable

T = TypeVar("T")

[docs]class DataLoader(Generic[T], Registrable): """ A :class:`~tango.common.Registrable` version of a ``Flax DataLoader``. ``Flax DataLoader`` accepts Dataset object. The class yields a numpy batch. """
[docs]@DataLoader.register("flax::dataloader") class FlaxDataLoader(DataLoader): def __init__( self, dataset: Dataset, batch_size: int = 8, drop_last: bool = True, shuffle: bool = True, ): self.dataset = dataset self.dataset_size = dataset.num_rows self.batch_size = batch_size self.drop_last = drop_last if not drop_last: raise NotImplementedError( "With Jax you have to drop the last incomplete batch, because the batch size is compiled into the " "model." ) self.shuffle = shuffle self.logger = logging.getLogger(FlaxDataLoader.__name__) def __call__(self, rng: jax.random.PRNGKeyArray, do_distributed: bool): steps_per_epoch = self.dataset_size // self.batch_size if self.shuffle: perms = jax.random.permutation(rng, self.dataset_size) perms = np.asarray(perms) # using jax arrays for indexing is a bottleneck on TPUs. else: perms = np.arange(self.dataset_size)"Skipping last incomplete batch") perms = perms[: steps_per_epoch * self.batch_size] # Skip incomplete batch. perms = perms.reshape((steps_per_epoch, self.batch_size)) for perm in perms: batch = self.dataset[perm] if do_distributed: batch = shard(batch) yield batch