Source code for tango.integrations.flax.eval

import logging
from collections import defaultdict
from itertools import islice
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Sequence

import jax
from flax import jax_utils
from import TrainState

from tango.common.dataset_dict import DatasetDictBase
from tango.common.exceptions import ConfigurationError
from tango.common.lazy import Lazy
from tango.common.tqdm import Tqdm
from tango.format import Format, JsonFormat
from tango.step import Step

from .data import FlaxDataLoader
from .eval_callback import EvalCallback
from .util import get_PRNGkey
from .wrapper import FlaxWrapper

[docs]@Step.register("flax::eval") class FlaxEvalStep(Step): """ A Flax evaluation loop that pairs well with :class:`FlaxTrainStep`. .. tip:: Registered as a :class:`~tango.step.Step` under the name "flax::eval". .. important:: The evaluation loop will use a GPU/TPU automatically if one is available. You can control which GPU it uses with the environment variable ``CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES``. For example, set ``CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=1`` to force ``FlaxEvalStep`` to only use the GPU with ID 1. .. warning:: By default the metrics specified by the ``metric_names`` parameter are aggregated by simply averaging across batches. This behavior is usually correct for metrics like "loss" or "accuracy", for example, but may not be correct for other metrics like "F1". If this is not correct for your metric you will need to handle the aggregation internally in your model or with an :class:`EvalCallback` using the :meth:`EvalCallback.post_batch()` method. Then set the parameter ``auto_aggregate_metrics`` to ``False``. """ DETERMINISTIC = True CACHEABLE = True FORMAT: Format = JsonFormat() SKIP_ID_ARGUMENTS = {"log_every"}
[docs] def run( # type: ignore[override] self, state: TrainState, dataset: DatasetDictBase, dataloader: Lazy[FlaxDataLoader], wrapper: FlaxWrapper, test_split: str = "test", seed: int = 42, log_every: int = 1, do_distributed: bool = False, eval_steps: Optional[int] = None, metric_names: Sequence[str] = ("loss",), auto_aggregate_metrics: bool = True, callbacks: Optional[List[Lazy[EvalCallback]]] = None, ) -> Dict[str, float]: """ Evaluate the ``model``. :param state: The state of the model to evaluate. This contains the parameters. :param dataset: Should contain the test data. :param dataloader: The data loader that generates test batches. The batches should be :class:`dict` objects. :param wrapper: The wrapper should define :meth:`eval_metrics`. :param test_split: The name of the data split used for evaluation in the ``dataset_dict``. Default is "test". :param seed: Used to set the PRNG states at the beginning of the evaluation loop. :param log_every: Log every this many steps. Default is ``1``. :param do_distributed: Whether to do distributed training or not. Set as 0 or 1. :param eval_steps: The number of steps to evaluate for. If not specified evaluation will stop after a complete iteration through the ``dataloader``. :param metric_names: The names of the metrics to track and aggregate. Default is ``("loss",)``. :param auto_aggregate_metrics: If ``True`` (the default), the metrics will be averaged across batches. This may not be the correct behavior for some metrics (such as F1), in which you should set this to ``False`` and handle the aggregation internally in your model or with an :class:`EvalCallback` (using :meth:`EvalCallback.post_batch()`). :param callbacks: A list of :class:`EvalCallback`. """ logger = logging.getLogger(FlaxEvalStep.__name__) # construct dataloader dataloader: FlaxDataLoader = dataloader.construct( dataset=dataset[test_split].set_format("numpy") ) steps: int try: dataloader_len = dataloader.dataset_size steps = dataloader_len if eval_steps is None else min(dataloader_len, eval_steps) except TypeError: if eval_steps is None: raise ConfigurationError( "You must set 'eval_steps' for streaming/iterable datasets" ) else: steps = eval_steps if do_distributed: devices = jax.devices() if len(devices) <= 1: raise ConfigurationError( "YOu have set distributed training=True but there is only one device." ) # Initialize callbacks callbacks: List[EvalCallback] = [ callback.construct( step_id=self.unique_id, work_dir=self.work_dir, dataset_dict=dataset, dataloader=dataloader, ) for callback in (callbacks or []) ] for callback in callbacks: callback.pre_eval_loop() rng = get_PRNGkey(seed) devices = jax.devices() if len(devices) > 1: do_distributed = True def eval_step(state, batch): labels = batch.pop("labels") logits = state.apply_fn(**batch, params=state.params, train=False)[0] metrics = wrapper.eval_metrics(batch, logits, labels) if do_distributed: metrics = jax.lax.pmean(metrics, axis_name="batch") return logits, metrics if do_distributed: state = jax_utils.replicate(state) parallel_eval_step = jax.pmap(eval_step, axis_name="batch") eval_batches = enumerate(islice(dataloader(rng, do_distributed), steps)) running_metrics: Dict[str, float] = defaultdict(float) aggregated_metrics: Dict[str, float] = defaultdict(float) with Tqdm.tqdm(eval_batches, desc="Evaluating", total=steps) as batch_iter: for step, batch in batch_iter: should_log_this_step = step % log_every == 0 or step == steps - 1 for callback in callbacks: callback.pre_batch(step, batch) if do_distributed: logits, metrics = parallel_eval_step(state, batch) metrics = jax_utils.unreplicate(metrics) else: logits, metrics = eval_step(state, batch) for callback in callbacks: callback.post_batch(step, logits) if auto_aggregate_metrics: for key, val in metrics.items(): if key in metric_names: running_metrics[key] += metrics[key].item() aggregated_metrics[key] = running_metrics[key] / (step + 1) else: aggregated_metrics.update(metrics) if should_log_this_step: batch_iter.set_postfix(**aggregated_metrics) del batch"Evaluation Metrics:") for key, val in aggregated_metrics.items():, ":", val) for callback in callbacks: callback.post_eval_loop(aggregated_metrics) return aggregated_metrics