Source code for

import json
import random
from pathlib import Path
from typing import (
from urllib.parse import ParseResult

import petname
from google.auth.credentials import Credentials
from import datastore

from tango.common.util import utc_now_datetime
from import (
from import GSStepCache
from tango.step import Step
from tango.step_info import StepInfo, StepState
from tango.workspace import Run, RunInfo, RunSort, StepInfoSort, Workspace
from tango.workspaces.remote_workspace import RemoteWorkspace

T = TypeVar("T")

[docs]@Workspace.register("gs") class GSWorkspace(RemoteWorkspace): """ This is a :class:`~tango.workspace.Workspace` that stores step artifacts on Google Cloud Storage. .. tip:: Registered as a :class:`~tango.workspace.Workspace` under the name "gs". :param workspace: The name or ID of the Google Cloud bucket folder to use. :param project: The Google project ID. This is required for the datastore. If not provided, it will be inferred from the Google cloud credentials. .. important:: Credentials can be provided in the following ways: - Using the `credentials` keyword argument: - You can specify the path to the credentials json file. - You can specify the `google.oauth2.credentials.Credentials()` object. - You can specify the json string of credentials dict. - Using the default credentials: You can use your default google cloud credentials by running `gcloud auth application-default login`. If you are using `GSWorkspace` with :class:`~tango.integrations.beaker.BeakerExecutor`, you will need to set the environment variable `GOOGLE_TOKEN` to the credentials json file. The default location is usually `~/.config/gcloud/application_default_credentials.json`. """ Constants = Constants NUM_CONCURRENT_WORKERS = 32 def __init__( self, workspace: str, project: Optional[str] = None, credentials: Optional[Union[str, Credentials]] = None, ): credentials = get_credentials(credentials) self.client = get_client(folder_name=workspace, credentials=credentials, project=project) self.client.NUM_CONCURRENT_WORKERS = self.NUM_CONCURRENT_WORKERS self._cache = GSStepCache(workspace, client=self.client) self._locks: Dict[Step, GCSStepLock] = {} super().__init__() project = project or or credentials.quota_project_id self.bucket_name, self.prefix = get_bucket_and_prefix(workspace) self._ds = datastore.Client( namespace=self.bucket_name, project=project, credentials=credentials ) @property def cache(self): return self._cache @property def locks(self): return self._locks @property def steps_dir_name(self): return "gs_workspace" @classmethod def from_parsed_url(cls, parsed_url: ParseResult) -> Workspace: workspace: str if parsed_url.netloc and parsed_url.path: # e.g. "gs://ai2/my-workspace" workspace = parsed_url.netloc + parsed_url.path elif parsed_url.netloc: # e.g. "gs://my-workspace" workspace = parsed_url.netloc else: raise ValueError(f"Bad URL for GS workspace '{parsed_url}'") return cls(workspace) @property def url(self) -> str: return self.client.url() def _remote_lock(self, step: Step) -> GCSStepLock: return GCSStepLock(self.client, step) def _step_location(self, step: Step) -> str: return self.client.url(self.Constants.step_artifact_name(step)) @property def _run_key(self): return self.client._gs_path("run") @property def _stepinfo_key(self): return self.client._gs_path("stepinfo") def _save_run( self, steps: Dict[str, StepInfo], run_data: Dict[str, str], name: Optional[str] = None ) -> Run: if name is None: while True: name = petname.generate() + str(random.randint(0, 100)) if not self._ds.get(self._ds.key(self._run_key, name)): break else: if self._ds.get(self._ds.key(self._run_key, name)): raise ValueError(f"Run name '{name}' is already in use") run_entity = self._ds.entity( key=self._ds.key(self._run_key, name), exclude_from_indexes=("steps",) ) # Even though the run's name is part of the key, we add this as a # field so we can index on it and order asc/desc (indices on the key field don't allow ordering). run_entity["name"] = name run_entity["start_date"] = utc_now_datetime() run_entity["steps"] = json.dumps(run_data).encode() self._ds.put(run_entity) return Run(name=cast(str, name), steps=steps, start_date=run_entity["start_date"]) def _get_run_from_entity(self, run_entity: datastore.Entity) -> Optional[Run]: try: steps_info_bytes = run_entity["steps"] steps_info = json.loads(steps_info_bytes) except KeyError: return None import concurrent.futures steps: Dict[str, StepInfo] = {} with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor( max_workers=self.NUM_CONCURRENT_WORKERS, thread_name_prefix="GSWorkspace._get_run_from_dataset()-", ) as executor: step_info_futures = [] for unique_id in steps_info.values(): step_info_futures.append(executor.submit(self.step_info, unique_id)) for future in concurrent.futures.as_completed(step_info_futures): step_info = future.result() assert step_info.step_name is not None steps[step_info.step_name] = step_info return Run(, start_date=run_entity["start_date"], steps=steps) def registered_runs(self) -> Dict[str, Run]: import concurrent.futures runs: Dict[str, Run] = {} with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor( max_workers=self.NUM_CONCURRENT_WORKERS, thread_name_prefix="GSWorkspace.registered_runs()-", ) as executor: run_futures = [] for run_entity in self._ds.query(kind=self._run_key).fetch(): run_futures.append(executor.submit(self._get_run_from_entity, run_entity)) for future in concurrent.futures.as_completed(run_futures): run = future.result() if run is not None: runs[] = run return runs def search_registered_runs( self, *, sort_by: Optional[RunSort] = None, sort_descending: bool = True, match: Optional[str] = None, start: int = 0, stop: Optional[int] = None, ) -> List[RunInfo]: run_entities = self._fetch_run_entities( sort_by=sort_by, sort_descending=sort_descending, match=match, start=start, stop=stop ) return [ RunInfo(, start_date=e["start_date"], steps=json.loads(e["steps"])) for e in run_entities ] def num_registered_runs(self, *, match: Optional[str] = None) -> int: count = 0 for _ in self._fetch_run_entities(match=match): count += 1 return count def _fetch_run_entities( self, *, sort_by: Optional[RunSort] = None, sort_descending: bool = True, match: Optional[str] = None, start: int = 0, stop: Optional[int] = None, ) -> Generator[datastore.Entity, None, None]: from itertools import islice # Note: we can't query or order by multiple fields without a suitable # composite index. So in that case we have to apply remaining filters # or slice and order locally. We'll default to using 'match' in the query. # But if 'match' is null we can sort with the query. sort_locally = bool(match) sort_field: Optional[str] = None if sort_by == RunSort.START_DATE: sort_field = "start_date" elif sort_by == RunSort.NAME: sort_field = "name" elif sort_by is not None: raise NotImplementedError(sort_by) order: List[str] = [] if sort_field is not None and not sort_locally: order = [sort_field if not sort_descending else f"-{sort_field}"] query = self._ds.query(kind=self._run_key, order=order) if match: # HACK: Datastore has no direct string matching functionality, # but this comparison is equivalent to checking if 'name' starts with 'match'. query.add_filter("name", ">=", match) query.add_filter("name", "<=", match[:-1] + chr(ord(match[-1]) + 1)) entity_iter: Iterable[datastore.Entity] = query.fetch( offset=0 if sort_locally else start, limit=None if (stop is None or sort_locally) else stop - start, ) if sort_field is not None and sort_locally: entity_iter = sorted( entity_iter, key=lambda entity: entity[sort_field], reverse=sort_descending ) if sort_locally: entity_iter = islice(entity_iter, start, stop) for entity in entity_iter: yield entity def search_step_info( self, *, sort_by: Optional[StepInfoSort] = None, sort_descending: bool = True, match: Optional[str] = None, state: Optional[StepState] = None, start: int = 0, stop: Optional[int] = None, ) -> List[StepInfo]: step_info_entities = self._fetch_step_info_entities( sort_by=sort_by, sort_descending=sort_descending, match=match, state=state, start=start, stop=stop, ) return [ StepInfo.from_json_dict(json.loads(e["step_info_dict"])) for e in step_info_entities ] def num_steps(self, *, match: Optional[str] = None, state: Optional[StepState] = None) -> int: count = 0 for _ in self._fetch_step_info_entities(match=match, state=state): count += 1 return count def _fetch_step_info_entities( self, *, sort_by: Optional[StepInfoSort] = None, sort_descending: bool = True, match: Optional[str] = None, state: Optional[StepState] = None, start: int = 0, stop: Optional[int] = None, ) -> Generator[datastore.Entity, None, None]: from itertools import islice # Note: we can't query or order by multiple fields without a suitable # composite index. So in that case we have to apply remaining filters # or slice and order locally. We'll default to using 'match' in the query. # But if 'match' is null, we'll use 'state' to filter in the query. # If 'state' is also null, we can sort with the query. sort_locally = sort_by is not None and (match is not None or state is not None) filter_locally = state is not None and match is not None slice_locally = sort_locally or filter_locally sort_field: Optional[str] = None if sort_by == StepInfoSort.START_TIME: sort_field = "start_time" elif sort_by == StepInfoSort.UNIQUE_ID: sort_field = "step_id" elif sort_by is not None: raise NotImplementedError(sort_by) order: List[str] = [] if sort_field is not None and not sort_locally: order = [sort_field if not sort_descending else f"-{sort_field}"] query = self._ds.query(kind=self._stepinfo_key, order=order) if match is not None: # HACK: Datastore has no direct string matching functionality, # but this comparison is equivalent to checking if 'step_id' starts with 'match'. query.add_filter("step_id", ">=", match) query.add_filter("step_id", "<=", match[:-1] + chr(ord(match[-1]) + 1)) elif state is not None and not filter_locally: query.add_filter("state", "=", str(state.value)) entity_iter: Iterable[datastore.Entity] = query.fetch( offset=0 if slice_locally else start, limit=None if (stop is None or slice_locally) else stop - start, ) if state is not None and filter_locally: entity_iter = filter(lambda entity: entity["state"] == state, entity_iter) if sort_field is not None and sort_locally: entity_iter = sorted( entity_iter, key=lambda entity: entity[sort_field], reverse=sort_descending ) if slice_locally: entity_iter = islice(entity_iter, start, stop) for entity in entity_iter: yield entity def registered_run(self, name: str) -> Run: err_msg = f"Run '{name}' not found in workspace" run_entity = self._ds.get(key=self._ds.key(self._run_key, name)) if not run_entity: raise KeyError(err_msg) run = self._get_run_from_entity(run_entity) if run is None: raise KeyError(err_msg) else: return run def step_info(self, step_or_unique_id: Union[Step, str]) -> StepInfo: unique_id = ( step_or_unique_id if isinstance(step_or_unique_id, str) else step_or_unique_id.unique_id ) step_info_entity = self._ds.get(key=self._ds.key(self._stepinfo_key, unique_id)) if step_info_entity is not None: step_info_bytes = step_info_entity["step_info_dict"] step_info = StepInfo.from_json_dict(json.loads(step_info_bytes)) return step_info else: if not isinstance(step_or_unique_id, Step): raise KeyError(step_or_unique_id) step_info = StepInfo.new_from_step(step_or_unique_id) self._update_step_info(step_info) return step_info def _step_info_multiple( self, step_or_unique_ids: Union[List[Step], List[str]] ) -> List[StepInfo]: """ This method is to combine all calls to the datastore api in a single transaction. """ all_unique_id_keys = [] for step_or_unique_id in step_or_unique_ids: unique_id = ( step_or_unique_id if isinstance(step_or_unique_id, str) else step_or_unique_id.unique_id ) key = self._ds.key(self._stepinfo_key, unique_id) all_unique_id_keys.append(key) missing: List = [] step_info_entities = self._ds.get_multi(keys=all_unique_id_keys, missing=missing) missing_steps = [ for entity in missing] step_infos = [] for step_info_entity in step_info_entities: step_info_bytes = step_info_entity["step_info_dict"] step_info = StepInfo.from_json_dict(json.loads(step_info_bytes)) step_infos.append(step_info) for step_or_unique_id in step_or_unique_ids: step_id = ( step_or_unique_id if isinstance(step_or_unique_id, str) else step_or_unique_id.unique_id ) if step_id in missing_steps: if not isinstance(step_or_unique_id, Step): raise KeyError(step_or_unique_id) step_info = StepInfo.new_from_step(step_or_unique_id) self._update_step_info(step_info) step_infos.append(step_info) return step_infos def _get_run_step_info(self, targets: Iterable[Step]) -> Tuple[Dict, Dict]: all_steps = set(targets) for step in targets: all_steps |= step.recursive_dependencies steps: Dict[str, StepInfo] = {} run_data: Dict[str, str] = {} all_valid_steps = [step for step in all_steps if is not None] step_infos = self._step_info_multiple(all_valid_steps) for step_info in step_infos: assert step_info.step_name is not None steps[step_info.step_name] = step_info run_data[step_info.step_name] = step_info.unique_id return steps, run_data def _update_step_info(self, step_info: StepInfo): step_info_entity = self._ds.entity( key=self._ds.key(self._stepinfo_key, step_info.unique_id), exclude_from_indexes=("step_info_dict",), ) # Even though the step's unique ID is part of the key, we add this as a # field so we can index on it and order asc/desc (indices on the key field don't allow ordering). step_info_entity["step_id"] = step_info.unique_id step_info_entity["step_name"] = step_info.step_name step_info_entity["start_time"] = step_info.start_time step_info_entity["end_time"] = step_info.end_time step_info_entity["state"] = str(step_info.state.value) step_info_entity["updated"] = utc_now_datetime() step_info_entity["step_info_dict"] = json.dumps(step_info.to_json_dict()).encode() self._ds.put(step_info_entity) def _remove_step_info(self, step_info: StepInfo) -> None: # remove dir from bucket step_artifact = self.client.get(self.Constants.step_artifact_name(step_info)) if step_artifact is not None: self.client.delete(step_artifact) # remove datastore entities self._ds.delete(key=self._ds.key("stepinfo", step_info.unique_id)) def _save_run_log(self, name: str, log_file: Path): """ The logs are stored in the bucket. The Run object details are stored in the remote database. """ run_dataset = self.Constants.run_artifact_name(name) self.client.upload(run_dataset, log_file)