Source code for tango.integrations.transformers.ia3

import re
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Optional

import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
from transformers import PreTrainedModel
from transformers.modeling_utils import Conv1D

class WithIA3Config:
    A class for configuring which layers to modify with IA3 adaptors.

    :param ia3_param_names:
        A string used as the name for all ia3 parameters
    :param attention_modules:
        A regex that matches all attention modules which are parents to the keys and value layers to modify.
    :param mlp_modules:
        A regex that matches all modules that are parents to the feed forward layer to modify.
    :param mlp_layers:
        A regex that matches the feed forward layer in the modules specified by `mlp_modles`.
    :param fused_qkv_layers:
        A regex that matches the combined query, key, and value layer in the modules specified
        by `attention_modules`.
    :param k_layers:
        A regex that matches the key layer in the modules specified by `attention_modules`.
    :param v_layers:
        A regex that matches the value layer in the modules specified by `attention_modules`.

    ia3_param_names: str
    attention_modules: str
    mlp_modules: str
    mlp_layers: str
    fused_qkv_layers: Optional[str] = None
    k_layers: Optional[str] = None
    v_layers: Optional[str] = None

GPT_J_IA3_CONFIG = WithIA3Config(

GPT_2_IA3_CONFIG = WithIA3Config(

OPT_IA3_CONFIG = WithIA3Config(


    "sshleifer/tiny-gpt2": GPT_2_IA3_CONFIG,
    "gpt2": GPT_2_IA3_CONFIG,
    "gpt2-medium": GPT_2_IA3_CONFIG,
    "gpt2-large": GPT_2_IA3_CONFIG,
    "gpt2-xl": GPT_2_IA3_CONFIG,
    "bigscience/bloom-560m": BLOOM_IA3_CONFIG,
    "bigscience/bloom-1b1": BLOOM_IA3_CONFIG,
    "bigscience/bloom-1b7": BLOOM_IA3_CONFIG,
    "bigscience/bloom-3b": BLOOM_IA3_CONFIG,
    "bigscience/bloom-7b1": BLOOM_IA3_CONFIG,
    "bigscience/bloom": BLOOM_IA3_CONFIG,
    "facebook/opt-125m": OPT_IA3_CONFIG,
    "facebook/opt-350m": OPT_IA3_CONFIG,
    "facebook/opt-1.3b": OPT_IA3_CONFIG,
    "facebook/opt-2.7b": OPT_IA3_CONFIG,
    "facebook/opt-6.7b": OPT_IA3_CONFIG,
    "facebook/opt-13b": OPT_IA3_CONFIG,
    "facebook/opt-30b": OPT_IA3_CONFIG,
    "facebook/opt-66b": OPT_IA3_CONFIG,
    "EleutherAI/gpt-j-6B": GPT_J_IA3_CONFIG,

class WithIA3(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, ia3_param_names: str, unfuse_size: Optional[int] = None):
        self.ia3_param_names = ia3_param_names

        # if (q,k,v) are stacked into one layer
        if unfuse_size is not None:
            # IA3 only operates on k and v (not q), thus the "* 2"
            setattr(self, ia3_param_names, nn.Parameter(torch.ones(unfuse_size * 2, 1)))
            setattr(self, ia3_param_names, nn.Parameter(torch.ones(self.out_features, 1)))  # type: ignore

    def scale_by_ia3(self, x):
        ia3_params = getattr(self, self.ia3_param_names)

        if ia3_params.requires_grad:
            if self.unfuse_size is not None:
                # non_q means k and v
                q, non_q = x[:, :, : self.unfuse_size], x[:, :, self.unfuse_size :]  # type: ignore
                ia3_params = getattr(self, self.ia3_param_names)
                non_q = non_q * ia3_params.flatten()
                x =[q, non_q], dim=2)
                x = x * ia3_params.flatten()

        return x

class LinearWithIA3(WithIA3):
    def __init__(
        self, linear_layer: nn.Linear, ia3_param_names: str, unfuse_size: Optional[int] = None
        A replacement for :class:`~torch.nn.Linear` modified with an IA3 adaptor

        :param linear_layer:
            A :class:`~torch.nn.Linear` layer to adapt.
        :param ia3_param_names:
            A `str` to use as the name of ia3 parameters.
        :param unfuse_size:
            An `int` indicating hidden dimension of the query, key, and value vectors.
            To be used only when the layer to modify is a fused projection of query,
            key, and value vectors in an attention mechanism.
        assert unfuse_size is None or (linear_layer.out_features == unfuse_size * 3)
        self.in_features = linear_layer.in_features
        self.out_features = linear_layer.out_features
        self.unfuse_size = unfuse_size

        super().__init__(ia3_param_names, unfuse_size)

        self.weight = linear_layer.weight
        self.bias = linear_layer.bias

    def forward(self, x):
        x = F.linear(x, self.weight, self.bias)
        return self.scale_by_ia3(x)

class Conv1DWithIA3(WithIA3):
    def __init__(
        self, conv1d_layer: Conv1D, ia3_param_names: str, unfuse_size: Optional[int] = None
        A replacement for :class:`~transformers.modeling_utils.Conv1D` modified with an IA3 adaptor

        :param conv1d_layer:
            A :class:`~transformers.modeling_utils.Conv1D` layer to adapt.
        :param ia3_param_names:
            A `str` to use as the name of ia3 parameters.
        :param unfuse_size:
            An `int` indicating hidden dimension of the query, key, and value vectors.
            To be used only when the layer to modify is a fused projection of query,
            key, and value vectors in an attention mechanism.
        assert unfuse_size is None or ( == unfuse_size * 3)

        # nf: number of output features; nx: number of input features
        self.out_features =
        self.unfuse_size = unfuse_size

        super().__init__(ia3_param_names, unfuse_size)

        self.weight = conv1d_layer.weight
        self.bias = conv1d_layer.bias

    def forward(self, x):
        # copied and pasted from the original Conv1D implemnetation
        size_out = x.size()[:-1] + (self.out_features,)
        x = torch.addmm(self.bias, x.view(-1, x.size(-1)), self.weight)
        x = x.view(size_out)  # ... *

        return self.scale_by_ia3(x)

[docs]def modify_with_ia3( transformer: PreTrainedModel, *, config: Optional[WithIA3Config] = None, only_ia3_requires_grad: bool = True, ) -> PreTrainedModel: """ A function to add ia3 adaptors to the given transformer. Code modified from `t-few <>`_ and Qinyuan Ye :param model: A :class:`~transformers.PreTrainedModel` to modify. :param config: A :class:`~tango.integrations.transformers.ia3.WithIA3Config` that specifies the layers to modify. :param only_ia3_requires_grad: A `bool`, `True` if `requires_grad` should only be set on ia3 paramenters in the output model. Examples -------- You can use the provided configurations: .. testcode:: from transformers import AutoModelForCausalLM, AutoTokenizer from tango.integrations.transformers.ia3 import modify_with_ia3, GPT_2_IA3_CONFIG model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained("sshleifer/tiny-gpt2") model = modify_with_ia3(model, config=GPT_2_IA3_CONFIG) Or you can write your own configuration with regex matching the layers to modify and their parents: .. testcode:: from transformers import AutoModelForCausalLM, AutoTokenizer from tango.integrations.transformers.ia3 import modify_with_ia3 my_config = WithIA3Config( attention_modules=".*attn", fused_qkv_layers="c_attn", mlp_modules=".*mlp", mlp_layers="c_fc", ia3_param_names="ia3", ) model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained("sshleifer/tiny-gpt2") model = modify_with_ia3(model, config=my_config) """ if config is None: model_name = transformer.config._name_or_path # type: ignore assert ( model_name in MODEL_NAME_TO_CONFIG ), f"{model_name} does not have a pre made configuration; please make your own." config = MODEL_NAME_TO_CONFIG[model_name] for m_name, module in dict(transformer.named_modules()).items(): # type: ignore if re.fullmatch(config.attention_modules, m_name) or re.fullmatch( config.mlp_modules, m_name ): attn_layers = [ regex for regex in (config.fused_qkv_layers, config.k_layers, config.v_layers) if regex is not None ] layers_to_change = ( "|".join(attn_layers) if re.fullmatch(config.attention_modules, m_name) else config.mlp_layers ) for c_name, layer in dict(module.named_children()).items(): if re.fullmatch(layers_to_change, c_name): assert isinstance(layer, Conv1D) or isinstance( layer, nn.Linear ), "This code only supports Conv1D and nn.Linear" adaptor_class = Conv1DWithIA3 if isinstance(layer, Conv1D) else LinearWithIA3 new_module = adaptor_class( layer, config.ia3_param_names, unfuse_size=transformer.config.hidden_size # type: ignore if config.fused_qkv_layers and re.fullmatch(config.fused_qkv_layers, c_name) else None, ) setattr(module, c_name, new_module) if only_ia3_requires_grad: transformer.requires_grad_(False) # type: ignore for p_name, v in dict(transformer.named_parameters()).items(): # type: ignore if re.fullmatch(".*" + config.ia3_param_names + ".*", p_name): v.requires_grad_(True) return transformer