Source code for tango.step_graph

import logging
from typing import Any, Dict, Iterator, List, Mapping, Set, Type, Union

from tango.common import PathOrStr
from tango.common.exceptions import ConfigurationError
from tango.common.params import Params
from tango.step import Step, StepIndexer

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class StepGraph(Mapping[str, Step]): """ Represents an experiment as a directed graph. It can be treated as a :class:`` of step names (``str``) to :class:`Step`. """ def __init__(self, step_dict: Dict[str, Step]): # TODO: What happens with anonymous steps in here? is_ordered = self._is_ordered(step_dict) if not is_ordered: self.parsed_steps = { step for step in self.ordered_steps(step_dict)} else: self.parsed_steps = {} for step_name, step in step_dict.items(): = step_name self.parsed_steps[step_name] = step # Sanity-check the graph self._sanity_check() @classmethod def _is_ordered(cls, step_dict: Dict[str, Step]): present = set() for _, step in step_dict.items(): for dep in step.dependencies: if not in present: return False present.add( return True @classmethod def _check_unsatisfiable_dependencies(cls, dependencies: Dict[str, Set[str]]) -> None: # Check whether some of those dependencies can never be satisfied. unsatisfiable_dependencies = { dep for step_deps in dependencies.values() for dep in step_deps if dep not in dependencies.keys() } if len(unsatisfiable_dependencies) > 0: if len(unsatisfiable_dependencies) == 1: dep = next(iter(unsatisfiable_dependencies)) raise ConfigurationError( f"Specified dependency '{dep}' can't be found in the config." ) else: raise ConfigurationError( f"Some dependencies can't be found in the config: {', '.join(unsatisfiable_dependencies)}" ) @classmethod def _get_ordered_steps(cls, dependencies: Dict[str, Set[str]]) -> List[str]: done: Set[str] = set() todo = list(dependencies.keys()) ordered_steps = list() while len(todo) > 0: new_todo = [] for step_name in todo: if len(dependencies[step_name] & done) == len(dependencies[step_name]): done.add(step_name) ordered_steps.append(step_name) else: new_todo.append(step_name) if len(todo) == len(new_todo): raise ConfigurationError( "Could not make progress parsing the steps. " "You probably have a circular reference between the steps, " "Or a missing dependency." ) todo = new_todo del dependencies del done del todo return ordered_steps def _sanity_check(self) -> None: for step in self.parsed_steps.values(): if step.cache_results: nondeterministic_dependencies = [ s for s in step.recursive_dependencies if not s.DETERMINISTIC ] if len(nondeterministic_dependencies) > 0: nd_step = nondeterministic_dependencies[0] logger.warning( f"Task {} is set to cache results, but depends on non-deterministic " f"step {}. This will produce confusing results." ) @classmethod def from_params(cls: Type["StepGraph"], params: Dict[str, Params]) -> "StepGraph": # type: ignore[override] # Determine the order in which to create steps so that all dependent steps are available when we need them. # This algorithm for resolving step dependencies is O(n^2). Since we're # anticipating the number of steps in a single config to be in the dozens at most (#famouslastwords), # we choose simplicity over cleverness. dependencies = { step_name: cls._find_step_dependencies(step_params) for step_name, step_params in params.items() } cls._check_unsatisfiable_dependencies(dependencies) # We need ordered dependencies to construct the steps with refs. ordered_steps = cls._get_ordered_steps(dependencies) # Parse the steps step_dict: Dict[str, Step] = {} for step_name in ordered_steps: step_params = params.pop(step_name) if step_name in step_dict: raise ConfigurationError(f"Duplicate step name {step_name}") step_params = cls._replace_step_dependencies(step_params, step_dict) step_dict[step_name] = Step.from_params(step_params, step_name=step_name) return cls(step_dict) def sub_graph(self, *step_names: str) -> "StepGraph": step_dict: Dict[str, Step] = {} for step_name in step_names: if step_name not in self.parsed_steps: raise KeyError( f"{step_name} is not a part of this StepGraph. " f"Available steps are: {list(self.parsed_steps.keys())}" ) step_dict.update( { dep for dep in self.parsed_steps[step_name].recursive_dependencies} ) step_dict[step_name] = self.parsed_steps[step_name] return StepGraph(step_dict) @staticmethod def _dict_is_ref(d: Union[dict, Params]) -> bool: keys = set(d.keys()) if keys == {"ref"}: return True if keys >= {"type", "ref"} and d["type"] == "ref": return True return False @classmethod def _find_step_dependencies(cls, o: Any) -> Set[str]: dependencies: Set[str] = set() if isinstance(o, (list, tuple, set)): for item in o: dependencies = dependencies | cls._find_step_dependencies(item) elif isinstance(o, (dict, Params)): if cls._dict_is_ref(o): dependencies.add(o["ref"]) else: for value in o.values(): dependencies = dependencies | cls._find_step_dependencies(value) elif o is not None and not isinstance(o, (bool, str, int, float)): raise ValueError(o) return dependencies @classmethod def _replace_step_dependencies(cls, o: Any, existing_steps: Mapping[str, Step]) -> Any: if isinstance(o, (list, tuple, set)): return o.__class__(cls._replace_step_dependencies(i, existing_steps) for i in o) elif isinstance(o, (dict, Params)): if cls._dict_is_ref(o): if "key" in o: return StepIndexer(existing_steps[o["ref"]], o["key"]) else: return existing_steps[o["ref"]] else: result = { key: cls._replace_step_dependencies(value, existing_steps) for key, value in o.items() } if isinstance(o, dict): return result elif isinstance(o, Params): return Params(result, history=o.history) else: raise RuntimeError(f"Object {o} is of unexpected type {o.__class__}.") elif o is not None and not isinstance(o, (bool, str, int, float)): raise ValueError(o) return o def __getitem__(self, name: str) -> Step: """ Get the step with the given name. """ return self.parsed_steps[name] def __len__(self) -> int: """ The number of steps in the experiment. """ return len(self.parsed_steps) def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[str]: """ The names of the steps in the experiment. """ return iter(self.parsed_steps)
[docs] @classmethod def ordered_steps(cls, step_dict: Dict[str, Step]) -> List[Step]: """ Returns the steps in this step graph in an order that can be executed one at a time. This does not take into account which steps may be cached. It simply returns an executable order of steps. """ dependencies = { step_name: set([ for dep in step.dependencies]) for step_name, step in step_dict.items() } result: List[Step] = [] for step_name in cls._get_ordered_steps(dependencies): step_dict[step_name].name = step_name result.append(step_dict[step_name]) return result
def uncacheable_leaf_steps(self) -> Set[Step]: interior_steps: Set[Step] = set() for _, step in self.parsed_steps.items(): for dependency in step.dependencies: interior_steps.add(dependency) uncacheable_leaf_steps = { step for step in set(self.values()) - interior_steps if not step.cache_results } return uncacheable_leaf_steps @classmethod def from_file(cls, filename: PathOrStr) -> "StepGraph": params = Params.from_file(filename) return StepGraph.from_params(params.pop("steps", keep_as_dict=True)) def to_config(self, include_unique_id: bool = False) -> Dict[str, Dict]: step_dict = {} def _to_config(o: Any): if isinstance(o, (list, tuple, set)): return o.__class__(_to_config(i) for i in o) elif isinstance(o, dict): return {key: _to_config(value) for key, value in o.items()} elif isinstance(o, Step): return {"type": "ref", "ref":} elif isinstance(o, StepIndexer): return {"type": "ref", "ref":, "key": o.key} elif o is not None and not isinstance(o, (bool, str, int, float)): raise ValueError(o) return o for step_name, step in self.parsed_steps.items(): try: step_dict[step_name] = { key: _to_config(value) for key, value in step.config.items() } except ValueError: # step.config throws an error. # If the step_graph was not constructed using a config, we attempt to create # the config using the step object. step_dict[step_name] = { key: _to_config(val) for key, val in step._to_params()["kwargs"].items() } step_dict[step_name]["type"] = step.__module__ + "." + step.class_name # We only add cache_results and format to the config if the values are different from default. if step.cache_results != step.CACHEABLE: step_dict[step_name]["cache_results"] = step.cache_results if step.format != step.FORMAT: step_dict[step_name]["step_format"] = _to_config(step.format._to_params()) if include_unique_id: step_dict[step_name]["step_unique_id_override"] = step.unique_id return step_dict
[docs] def to_file(self, filename: PathOrStr, include_unique_id: bool = False) -> None: """ Note: In normal use cases, `include_unique_id` should always be False. We do not want to save the unique id in the config, because we want the output to change if we modify other kwargs in the config file. We include this flag for `MulticoreExecutor`, to ensure that steps have the same unique id in the main process and the created subprocesses. """ step_dict = self.to_config(include_unique_id=include_unique_id) params = Params({"steps": step_dict}) params.to_file(filename)
def __repr__(self) -> str: result = [f'"{name}": {step}' for name, step in self.items()] result = ", ".join(result) return f"{self.__class__.__name__}({result})"