Source code for tango.workspaces.memory_workspace

import copy
from typing import Dict, Iterable, Iterator, Optional, TypeVar, Union
from urllib.parse import ParseResult

import petname

from tango.common.exceptions import StepStateError
from tango.common.util import exception_to_string, utc_now_datetime
from tango.step import Step
from tango.step_cache import StepCache
from tango.step_caches import default_step_cache
from tango.step_info import StepInfo, StepState
from tango.workspace import Run, Workspace

T = TypeVar("T")

[docs]@Workspace.register("memory") class MemoryWorkspace(Workspace): """ This is a workspace that keeps all its data in memory. This is useful for debugging or for quick jobs, but of course you don't get any caching across restarts. .. tip:: Registered as a :class:`~tango.workspace.Workspace` under the name "memory". """ def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.unique_id_to_info: Dict[str, StepInfo] = {} self.runs: Dict[str, Run] = {} @property def url(self) -> str: return "memory://" @classmethod def from_parsed_url(cls, parsed_url: ParseResult) -> "Workspace": return cls() @property def step_cache(self) -> StepCache: return default_step_cache def step_info(self, step_or_unique_id: Union[Step, str]) -> StepInfo: unique_id = ( step_or_unique_id.unique_id if isinstance(step_or_unique_id, Step) else step_or_unique_id ) try: return self.unique_id_to_info[unique_id] except KeyError: if isinstance(step_or_unique_id, Step): step = step_or_unique_id return StepInfo.new_from_step(step) else: raise KeyError() def step_starting(self, step: Step) -> None: # We don't do anything with uncacheable steps. if not step.cache_results: return self.unique_id_to_info[step.unique_id] = StepInfo.new_from_step( step, start_time=utc_now_datetime() ) def step_finished(self, step: Step, result: T) -> T: # We don't do anything with uncacheable steps. if not step.cache_results: return result existing_step_info = self.unique_id_to_info[step.unique_id] if existing_step_info.state != StepState.RUNNING: raise StepStateError(step, existing_step_info.state) existing_step_info.end_time = utc_now_datetime() if step.cache_results: self.step_cache[step] = result if hasattr(result, "__next__"): assert isinstance(result, Iterator) # Caching the iterator will consume it, so we write it to the cache and then read from the cache # for the return value. return self.step_cache[step] return result def step_failed(self, step: Step, e: BaseException) -> None: # We don't do anything with uncacheable steps. if not step.cache_results: return assert e is not None existing_step_info = self.unique_id_to_info[step.unique_id] if existing_step_info.state != StepState.RUNNING: raise StepStateError(step, existing_step_info.state) existing_step_info.end_time = utc_now_datetime() existing_step_info.error = exception_to_string(e) def remove_step(self, step_unique_id: str) -> None: """ Get Step unique id from the user and remove the step information from memory cache :raises KeyError: If no step with the unique name found in the cache dir """ try: step_info = self.step_info(step_unique_id) del self.unique_id_to_info[step_unique_id] del self.step_cache[step_info] except KeyError: raise KeyError(f"{step_unique_id} step info not found, step cache cannot be deleted") def register_run(self, targets: Iterable[Step], name: Optional[str] = None) -> Run: if name is None: name = petname.generate() steps: Dict[str, StepInfo] = {} for step in targets: step_info = StepInfo.new_from_step(step) self.unique_id_to_info[step.unique_id] = step_info steps[step.unique_id] = step_info run = Run(name, steps, utc_now_datetime()) self.runs[name] = run return run def registered_runs(self) -> Dict[str, Run]: return copy.deepcopy(self.runs) def registered_run(self, name: str) -> Run: return copy.deepcopy(self.runs[name])
default_workspace = MemoryWorkspace()