🧪 Beaker#


To use this integration you should install tango with the “beaker” extra (e.g. pip install tango[beaker]) or just install the beaker-py library after the fact (e.g. pip install beaker-py).

Components for Tango integration with Beaker.


class tango.integrations.beaker.BeakerWorkspace(workspace, max_workers=None, **kwargs)[source]#

This is a Workspace that stores step artifacts on Beaker.


Registered as a Workspace under the name “beaker”.

  • workspace (str) – The name or ID of the Beaker workspace to use.

  • kwargs – Additional keyword arguments passed to Beaker.from_env().

class tango.integrations.beaker.BeakerStepCache(beaker_workspace=None, beaker=None)[source]#

This is a StepCache that’s used by BeakerWorkspace. It stores the results of steps on Beaker as datasets.

It also keeps a limited in-memory cache as well as a local backup on disk, so fetching a step’s resulting subsequent times should be fast.


Registered as a StepCache under the name “beaker”.

  • workspace – The name or ID of the Beaker workspace to use.

  • beaker (Optional[Beaker], default: None) – The Beaker client to use.

class tango.integrations.beaker.BeakerExecutor(workspace, clusters=None, include_package=None, beaker_workspace=None, github_token=None, google_token=None, beaker_image=None, docker_image=None, datasets=None, env_vars=None, venv_name=None, parallelism=None, install_cmd=None, priority=None, allow_dirty=False, scheduler=None, budget=None, **kwargs)[source]#

This is a Executor that runs steps on Beaker. Each step is run as its own Beaker experiment.


Registered as an Executor under the name “beaker”.


The BeakerExecutor requires that you run Tango within a GitHub repository and you push all of your changes prior to each tango run call. It also requires that you have a GitHub personal access token with at least the “repo” scope set to the environment variable GITHUB_TOKEN (you can also set it using the github_token parameter, see below).

This is because BeakerExecutor has to be able to clone your code from Beaker.


The BeakerExecutor will try to recreate your Python environment on Beaker every time a step is run, so it’s important that you specify all of your dependencies in a PIP requirements.txt file, setup.py file, or a conda environment.yml file. Alternatively you could provide the install_cmd argument.


The BeakerExecutor takes no responsibility for saving the results of steps that it runs on Beaker. That’s the job of your workspace. So make sure your using the right type of workspace or your results will be lost.

For example, any “remote” workspace (like the BeakerWorkspace) would work, or in some cases you could use a LocalWorkspace on an NFS drive.


If you’re running a step that requires special hardware, e.g. a GPU, you should specify that in the step_resources parameter to the step, or by overriding the step’s .resources() property method.

  • workspace (Workspace) – The Workspace to use.

  • clusters (Optional[List[str]], default: None) – A list of Beaker clusters that the executor may use to run steps. If scheduler is specified, this argument is ignored.

  • include_package (Optional[Sequence[str]], default: None) – A list of Python packages to import before running steps.

  • beaker_workspace (Optional[str], default: None) – The name or ID of the Beaker workspace to use.

  • github_token (Optional[str], default: None) – You can use this parameter to set a GitHub personal access token instead of using the GITHUB_TOKEN environment variable.

  • google_token (Optional[str], default: None) – You can use this parameter to set a Google Cloud token instead of using the GOOGLE_TOKEN environment variable.

  • beaker_image (Optional[str], default: None) – The name or ID of a Beaker image to use for running steps on Beaker. The image must come with bash and conda installed (Miniconda is okay). This is mutually exclusive with the docker_image parameter. If neither beaker_image nor docker_image is specified, the DEFAULT_BEAKER_IMAGE will be used.

  • docker_image (Optional[str], default: None) –

    The name of a publicly-available Docker image to use for running steps on Beaker. The image must come with bash and conda installed (Miniconda is okay). This is mutually exclusive with the beaker_image parameter.

  • datasets (Optional[List[DataMount]], default: None) – External data sources to mount into the Beaker job for each step. You could use this to mount an NFS drive, for example.

  • env_vars (Optional[List[EnvVar]], default: None) – Environment variables to set in the Beaker job for each step.

  • venv_name (Optional[str], default: None) – The name of the conda virtual environment to use or create on the image. If you’re using your own image that already has a conda environment you want to use, you should set this variable to the name of that environment. You can also set this to “base” to use the base environment.

  • parallelism (Optional[int], default: None) – Control the maximum number of steps run in parallel on Beaker.

  • install_cmd (Optional[str], default: None) – Override the command used to install your code and its dependencies in each Beaker job. For example, you could set install_cmd="pip install .[dev]".

  • priority (Union[str, Priority, None], default: None) – The default task priority to assign to jobs ran on Beaker. If scheduler is specified, this argument is ignored.

  • scheduler (Optional[BeakerScheduler], default: None) – A BeakerScheduler to use for assigning resources to steps. If not specified the SimpleBeakerScheduler is used with the given clusters and priority.

  • allow_dirty (bool, default: False) – By default, the Beaker Executor requires that your git working directory has no uncommitted changes. If you set this to True, we skip this check.

  • kwargs – Additional keyword arguments passed to Beaker.from_env().


Certain parameters should not be included in the executor part of your tango.yml file, namely workspace and include_package. Instead use the top-level workspace and include_package fields, respectively.


Minimal tango.yaml file

You can use this executor by specifying it in your tango.yml settings file:

  type: beaker
  beaker_workspace: ai2/my-workspace
    - ai2/general-cirrascale

Using GPUs

If you have a step that requires a GPU, there are two things you need to do:

1. First, you’ll need to ensure that the BeakerExecutor can install your dependencies the right way to support the GPU hardware. There are usually two ways to do this: use a Docker image that comes with a proper installation of your hardware-specific dependencies (e.g. PyTorch), or add a conda environment.yml file to your project that specifies the proper version of those dependencies.

If you go with first option you don’t necessarily need to build your own Docker image. If PyTorch is the only hardware-specific dependency you have, you could just use one of AI2’s pre-built PyTorch images. Just add these lines to your tango.yml file:

   type: beaker
   beaker_workspace: ai2/my-workspace
+  docker_image: ghcr.io/allenai/pytorch:1.12.0-cuda11.3-python3.9
+  venv_name: base
     - ai2/general-cirrascale

The venv_name: base line tells the BeakerExecutor to use the existing conda environment called “base” on the image instead of creating a new one.

Alternatively, you could use the default image and just add a conda environment.yml file to the root of your project that looks like this:

name: torch-env
  - pytorch
  - python=3.9
  - cudatoolkit=11.3
  - numpy
  - pytorch
  - ...

2. And second, you’ll need to specify the GPUs required by each step in the config for that step under the step_resources parameter. For example,

"steps": {
    "train": {
        "type": "torch::train",
        "step_resources": {
            "gpu_count": 1
DEFAULT_BEAKER_IMAGE: str = 'ai2/conda'#

The default image. Used if neither beaker_image nor docker_image are set.

class tango.integrations.beaker.BeakerScheduler[source]#

A BeakerScheduler is responsible for determining which resources and priority to assign to the execution of a step.

abstract schedule(step)[source]#

Determine the ResourceAssignment for a step.


ResourceAssignmentError – If the scheduler can’t find enough free resources at the moment to run the step.

Return type:


default_implementation: Optional[str] = 'simple'#

The default implementation is SimpleBeakerScheduler.

class tango.integrations.beaker.SimpleBeakerScheduler(clusters, priority)[source]#

The SimpleBeakerScheduler just searches the given clusters for one with enough resources to match what’s specified by the step’s required resources.

class tango.integrations.beaker.ResourceAssignment(cluster: Union[str, List[str]], resources: TaskResources, priority: Union[str, Priority])[source]#

Resources assigned to a step.

cluster: Union[str, List[str]]#

The cluster(s) to use to execute the step.

priority: Union[str, Priority]#

The priority to execute the step with.

resources: TaskResources#

The compute resources on the cluster to allocate for execution of the step.

class tango.integrations.beaker.ResourceAssignmentError[source]#

Raised when a scheduler can’t find enough free resources at the moment to run a step.