Source code for tango.integrations.torch.optim

from typing import Type

import torch

from tango.common.registrable import Registrable

[docs]class Optimizer(torch.optim.Optimizer, Registrable): """ A :class:`~tango.common.Registrable` version of a PyTorch :class:`torch.optim.Optimizer`. All `built-in PyTorch optimizers <>`_ are registered according to their class name (e.g. "torch::Adam"). .. tip:: You can see a list of all available optimizers by running .. testcode:: from tango.integrations.torch import Optimizer for name in sorted(Optimizer.list_available()): print(name) .. testoutput:: :options: +ELLIPSIS torch::ASGD torch::Adadelta torch::Adagrad torch::Adam torch::AdamW ... """
[docs]class LRScheduler(torch.optim.lr_scheduler._LRScheduler, Registrable): """ A :class:`~tango.common.Registrable` version of a PyTorch learning rate scheduler. All `built-in PyTorch learning rate schedulers <>`_ are registered according to their class name (e.g. "torch::StepLR"). .. tip:: You can see a list of all available schedulers by running .. testcode:: from tango.integrations.torch import LRScheduler for name in sorted(LRScheduler.list_available()): print(name) .. testoutput:: :options: +ELLIPSIS torch::ChainedScheduler torch::ConstantLR torch::CosineAnnealingLR ... """
# Register all optimizers. for name, cls in torch.optim.__dict__.items(): if ( isinstance(cls, type) and issubclass(cls, torch.optim.Optimizer) and not cls == torch.optim.Optimizer ): Optimizer.register("torch::" + name)(cls) # Note: This is a hack. Remove after we upgrade the torch version. base_class: Type try: base_class = torch.optim.lr_scheduler.LRScheduler except AttributeError: base_class = torch.optim.lr_scheduler._LRScheduler # Register all learning rate schedulers. for name, cls in torch.optim.lr_scheduler.__dict__.items(): if isinstance(cls, type) and issubclass(cls, base_class) and not cls == base_class: LRScheduler.register("torch::" + name)(cls)