Source code for tango.integrations.wandb.step_cache

import logging
from typing import Any, Optional, Union

import wandb
from retry import retry
from wandb.errors import Error as WandbError

from tango.common.aliases import PathOrStr
from tango.common.util import make_safe_filename, tango_cache_dir
from tango.step import Step
from tango.step_cache import StepCache
from tango.step_caches.remote_step_cache import RemoteNotFoundError, RemoteStepCache
from tango.step_info import StepInfo

from .util import ArtifactKind, check_environment, is_missing_artifact_error

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]@StepCache.register("wandb") class WandbStepCache(RemoteStepCache): """ This is a :class:`~tango.step_cache.StepCache` that's used by :class:`WandbWorkspace`. It stores the results of steps on W&B as Artifacts. It also keeps a limited in-memory cache as well as a local backup on disk, so fetching a step's resulting subsequent times should be fast. :param project: The W&B project to use. :param entity: The W&B entity (user or organization account) to use. .. tip:: Registered as :class:`~tango.step_cache.StepCache` under the name "wandb". """ def __init__(self, project: str, entity: str): check_environment() super().__init__( tango_cache_dir() / "wandb_cache" / make_safe_filename(entity) / make_safe_filename(project) ) self.project = project self.entity = entity @property def wandb_client(self) -> wandb.Api: return wandb.Api(overrides={"entity": self.entity, "project": self.project}) @property def client(self): """ To maintain compatibility """ return self.wandb_client @property def wandb_project_url(self) -> str: """ The URL of the W&B project this workspace uses. """ app_url = self.wandb_client.client.app_url app_url = app_url.rstrip("/") return f"{app_url}/{self.entity}/{self.project}" def _step_artifact_name(self, step: Union[Step, StepInfo]) -> str: if isinstance(step, Step): return step.class_name else: return step.step_class_name def _step_result_remote( # type: ignore self, step: Union[Step, StepInfo] ) -> Optional[wandb.Artifact]: artifact_kind = (step.metadata or {}).get("artifact_kind", ArtifactKind.STEP_RESULT.value) try: return self.wandb_client.artifact( f"{self.entity}/{self.project}/{self._step_artifact_name(step)}:{step.unique_id}", type=artifact_kind, ) except WandbError as exc: if is_missing_artifact_error(exc): return None else: raise def create_step_result_artifact(self, step: Step, objects_dir: Optional[PathOrStr] = None): self._upload_step_remote(step, objects_dir) def get_step_result_artifact(self, step: Union[Step, StepInfo]) -> Optional[wandb.Artifact]: artifact_kind = (step.metadata or {}).get("artifact_kind", ArtifactKind.STEP_RESULT.value) try: return self.wandb_client.artifact( f"{self.entity}/{self.project}/{self._step_artifact_name(step)}:{step.unique_id}", type=artifact_kind, ) except WandbError as exc: if is_missing_artifact_error(exc): return None else: raise def _upload_step_remote(self, step: Step, objects_dir: Optional[PathOrStr] = None) -> Any: """ Create an artifact for the result of a step. """ artifact_kind = (step.metadata or {}).get("artifact_kind", ArtifactKind.STEP_RESULT.value) artifact = wandb.Artifact(self._step_artifact_name(step), type=artifact_kind) # Add files if objects_dir is not None: artifact.add_dir(str(objects_dir)) # Log/persist the artifact to W&B. artifact.wait() # Add an alias for the step's unique ID. # Only after we've logged the artifact can we add an alias. artifact.aliases.append(step.unique_id) artifact.wait() def get_step_result_artifact_url(self, step: Union[Step, StepInfo]) -> str: artifact_kind = (step.metadata or {}).get("artifact_kind", ArtifactKind.STEP_RESULT.value) return ( f"{self.wandb_project_url}/artifacts/{artifact_kind}" f"/{self._step_artifact_name(step)}/{step.unique_id}" ) @retry(exceptions=(wandb.errors.CommError,), delay=10, backoff=2, max_delay=120) def use_step_result_artifact(self, step: Union[Step, StepInfo]) -> None: """ "Use" the artifact corresponding to the result of a step. """ if is None: raise RuntimeError("This can only be called from within a W&B run") f"{self.entity}/{self.project}/{self._step_artifact_name(step)}:{step.unique_id}" ) def _download_step_remote(self, step_result, target_dir: PathOrStr): try: except (WandbError, ValueError): raise RemoteNotFoundError() def __len__(self) -> int: completed_cacheable_step_runs = self.wandb_client.runs( f"{self.entity}/{self.project}", filters={ # type: ignore "config.job_type": "step", "config.cacheable": True, "state": "finished", }, ) return len(list(completed_cacheable_step_runs))