Source code for tango.step_cache

import logging
from abc import abstractmethod
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Any, TypeVar, Union

from .common.from_params import FromParams
from .common.registrable import Registrable
from .format import Format
from .step import Step
from .step_info import StepInfo

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

T = TypeVar("T")

[docs]class StepCache(Registrable): """ This is a mapping from instances of :class:`~tango.step.Step` to the results of that step. Generally :class:`StepCache` implementations are used internally by :class:`~tango.workspace.Workspace` implementations. """ default_implementation = "memory" """ The default implementation is :class:`.MemoryStepCache`. """
[docs] def __contains__(self, step: Any) -> bool: """This is a generic implementation of ``__contains__``. If you are writing your own ``StepCache``, you might want to write a faster one yourself.""" if not isinstance(step, (Step, StepInfo)): return False try: self.__getitem__(step) return True except KeyError: return False
[docs] @abstractmethod def __getitem__(self, step: Union[Step, StepInfo]) -> Any: """Returns the results for the given step.""" raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] @abstractmethod def __setitem__(self, step: Step, value: Any) -> None: """Writes the results for the given step. Throws an exception if the step is already cached.""" raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] @abstractmethod def __delitem__(self, step_unique_id: Union[Step, StepInfo]) -> None: """Removes a step from step cache""" raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] @abstractmethod def __len__(self) -> int: """Returns the number of results saved in this cache.""" raise NotImplementedError()
[docs]@dataclass class CacheMetadata(FromParams): step: str """ The step name. """ format: Format """ The format used to serialize the step's result. """